Trap Door Wiki

The Thing Upstairs is Berk’s master, and the show’s general main antagonist. He is one of the main characters in the series, and plays a central role in near every episode, despite being almost entirely offscreen throughout the entire show.

He is voiced by the late Willie Rushton, who provided voices for all other speaking characters in the television series.



The Thing Upstairs is characterised as an irascible, bad-mannered and lazy being. He spends nearly all his time in his bedroom, and seldom ever leaves the castle. Much like any bedridden person, he is rather limited in doing many everyday tasks by himself. He leaves any dirty work for Berk, his only servant, to do for him. He is never happy, unless if any job that he instructs Berk to do has been done right. The Thing Upstairs hates any kind of intrusion, and he will especially lose his temper when woken up. He will get his anger out on Berk, even if Berk is not responsible for any disruption.


  • The Thing Upstairs talks in a Cockney London English accent.
  • Although we never see the Thing Upstairs onscreen, much of what he looks like is described in detail. Occasionally, we are even exposed to a few of his bodily features.
    • A few of the Thing Upstairs’ detachable features are present onscreen in some episodes. One of his fangs is seen in The Pain, and his largest eyeball is shown in Not Very Nice. Coincidentally, both of these episodes are the episodes that reveal that the Thing Upstairs has multiple heads.
    • In one very short scene from The Little Thing, we are briefly exposed to a lump of gooey mass sticking out of an upstairs room. This might actually be a section of the Thing Upstairs, although this is never verified.
    • Berk mentioned the Thing Upstairs “flying home” for breakfast, in Slightly Weird, indicating that the Thing Upstairs possibly has wings.
    • In The Stupid Thing, it is revealed by Berk that the Thing Upstairs has three large lumps on his back.
  • The Thing Upstairs has proven to have some level of mobility, despite his laziness, since he occasionally leaves the castle.

